I feel so fortunate to have been blessed with a loving and giving family. My music has also enabled me to travel the world and experience so many adventures. This page will provide you with the links of some amazing organizations that truly help those in need. The people associated with these organizations are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.
The Steinway Society’s “Piano Bank” has been created to give economically disadvantaged children ages 6-16 in Central Florida the opportunity to develop their musical talents by providing them with a piano. Through the generosity of donors and partnerships with the Steinway Piano Galleries and Advanced Moving Services, the Society is able to provide “second life” pianos to needy children. Piano study can make a lasting impression on a child’s life. The Piano Bank will make pianos available to economically disadvantaged children who qualify. Telephone: 407-339-3771
Give Kids The World Village is a non-profit resort that creates magical memories for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families. Give Kids The World Village partners with over 250 wish-granting organizations and foundations to make the Central Florida wish a reality. Since our founding in 1986, over 73,000 families have come to the Village and experienced all of the wonder and remarkable magic that Central Florida has to offer. Telephone: 407-396-1114
Jewish Family Services (JFS) is a social service agency that exists to enhance family life and to meet the human service needs of individuals and families. Our core values are defined by the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam, making the world a better place for all people. Jewish Family Services is a member agency of The Heart of Florida United Way, The Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando and The Association of Jewish Family and Children Agencies. Telephone: 407-644-7593
It is the mission of The Jewish Pavilion to enhance the quality of life of our elders and their families by strengthening their connection to the community. Your support helps us be there to look after loved ones, brighten someone’s day with a gift, or lift someone’s spirits with a visit or celebration. The Jewish Pavilion provides weekly, bi-monthly or monthly Shabbat and holiday parties, ice cream socials and musical entertainment. Telephone: 407-682-2478